Thursday, August 11, 2016

                         Little Roo is 5!
      2016 Has been a crazy year. We had a unexpected situation come up and have now relocated to Branson, MO and I am now trying to focus on starting my Dream Business. Pixter Photography.
photography is my passion and i'm ready to use my skills and interests to support my family.

Check out my Blog and Facebook Page for updates, new Sessions and Discounts!
Pixter Photography's Blog 

 You can also contact me to BOOK A SESSION though Pixter photography's Facecook Page

And you can follow Pixter on Instagram!

 My Little Roo is 5 now and he is my favorite model even if he is quite squirmy ;) 
he loves posing for the camera (most of the time) 
 Roo definitely has a knack for Halo 5.
His favorite color is Red.


All I can say is even with his incredible energy level and and attitude like his mother, He's a very polite and smart boy.  He starts Kindergarten Next week. I'm so nervous for him yet Kind of excited for the time to get this Business Rolling.  Be on the look out for First Day of School Photos!!

Any advice for a First time business starter? My main worry is the legal and paperwork side of it all. I get overwhelmed pretty quickly with that sort of thing.

Thanks for reading!
 Hannah | Owner/photographer
 Pixter Photography

Monday, October 24, 2011

Beign Productive is my Hobby.

Today work was extremely frustrating. lots of people, lots of redoing things and the store owner was there..yeah.
I'm so ready for Halloween and my job to be over with. anywhoo. yesterday I was feeling kinda of lazy untill I realized everything I had done that day. I got matt's hippy vest (for his Halloween Costume) made. and we set up and hosted a random crap poker night.. which I can't share pics as promised because my camera batteries died and I don't have new ones.

Reuben will be getting a new sitter for this last week of work. thanks to one of my friends! his old sitter is getting married. Congrats btw! She's been awesome!

well I'm gunna finish this episode of greek then jump in the shower.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

I found my way back to my blog!

so, I'm back! sitting here in my robe. have been staring at my facebook page for 10 mins trying to decide what to do to avoid the things I have to get done. so here I am.  Reuben is getting big. he can pull himself up onto the table and climb on just about anything. he now has 6 teeth (working on 8!) speaking of baby he just woke up from his nap.Brb. Ok so heres a couple pics.

The first one his Reuben at lunch the second is him in the new outfit we got him!  He's such a happy baby!  I love you Reuben. Tried some Organic advanced level 3 food with him today. the texture surprised him and the face he made was hilarious!

I think tonight we will be hosting a Random Crap Poker Night!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2 Months to go!

Things have been pretty crazy around here with my preggo hormones finally kicking in, visiting family, and trying to get motivated to finish my projects. I totally have neglected my blog. To make up for it yet again, Here is another long update on whats been going on!

2 Months to go!
I am now 32 weeks along and have an extremely active boy begging for more space. He sticks his knees out quite a bit more often and I'll have golf ball sized bumps coming out of my tummy.
Matt got to feel one of those bumps last night and I think he got a little creeped out by it. ( I heard him say something about aliens lol)


I have been

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baby Update!

Baby Reuben is doing Great!  He is wiggling and kicking non-stop. went in for a check up and they said he sounds healthy!  He has found his knees and elbows now and is experimenting with poking me with them.
I got a new Tummy Picture!  Here's me at 6 months Pregnant!
I'm growing fast!

I also Finally got a few photos loaded via my sister and was able to play with them some.
Here is one of my amazing husband matt.

HOLIDAY NEWS!      Me and Matt held a Hannukah party with the help of some friends. During which matt made Turducken ( a chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey. with stuffing layered in between each layer). Several other friends brought the side dishes and desserts. The party was a hit!  we had over 20 people attend, we lit the menorah and sang all our favorite songs!   Here is a photo of the turducken
My Charity for the month was Angel Tree. Me and Matt picked two names (both girls) from the Angel Tree at walmart and picked out some clothes for them.
This was what I picked out for the youngest girl. A tinkerbell outfit with socks and a hat to match!
I also found an adorable sweat shirt that I added to the bag later.

I have decided that I would like to try and contribute to a charity once a month, as part of our titthe.
If we decide to do something more expensive such as heifer international then we will put money aside each month until we have enough!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
                                                                               William James

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Daycare Duty

I just got a job at a Daycare!  Lots of mommy practice involved. So far I have worked mostly with the infants  (under 1yr) I am in charge of 6 kids at a time.  Its a lot of work but I am learning a lot about handling different situations!  Yesterday I worked with the 18 month olds for about an hour... right at nap time. so it was my job to clean them up after lunch and put them down for a nap ... YEAH RIGHT!  Thanks to help from another teacher in the next room we had all but 2 asleep by the time my replacement got there.

BABY UPDATE:    Yesterday baby Reuben stuck an elbow or knee against my stomach you could kind of see the little knob and you could DEFINITELY feel it. Both me and Matt got to feel it before he moved away! It still feels weird when he rolls around and kicks and now that I can actually see it when he moved it's extremely odd yet beautiful at the same time.
                                                           (photo not of me)

Holding and caring for all these baby's is making me even more impatient for Reuben to arrive!
I have been extremely uncomfortable lately. I have needed a Chiropractic Adjustment for quite a while, now that I'm doing all this bending and lifting of babies I need one more then ever. I plan on going in this next week.

Thank you all for your prayers for my baby, I request that you continue to pray and pass the prayer request on to your friends and family. The power of prayer can work miracles! 

If one feels the need of something grand, something infinite, something that makes one feel aware of God, one need not go far to find it. I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.
Vincent van Gogh

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Excuse: Computer Issues

My Excuse for not posting in so long is computer issues. The place where I plug my laptop in is loose and isn't letting my computer charge. therefore I can't use it till its fixed. I also cant load pics very well on our other thoroughly outdated computers.

there is a lot to catch you up on, some of it will wait til I can post the pics that go along with them though.
today I uploaded a dress I made out of recycled T-shirts to Ebay. I am attempting to start my own business called Chubba-Lump Designs!
Recycled T-Shirt Dress Juniors Med

Last night was the last night of Channukah. I was sad to see it end and wish we had prepared more for it.. oh well next year!  My sister gave me a lovely pair of earrings and my husband got be TONS of reeses ( a box of reeses puff cereal, a bag of mini reeses, a bag of reeses pieces, and a bunch of reeses cups) as well as some pink fuzzy slippers, a tinkerbell calendar and the new Taylor swift CD (which I have been listening to all day).
Because we never got the chance to, I am going to attempt to make latkes tonight!

BABY UPDATE:  Baby Reuben is still healthy and growing fast! I have about 3 months left till he's born and I get more and more excited everyday!  He kicks like crazy ALL THE TIME!  He has also officially turned me into a bottomless pit... I have been eating non-stop all day!  I got some 3D pictures of his face but untill I can load them you'll have to take my word that he is ADORABLE!

I dedicate my Quote of the day to my amazing husband. without whom I would go insane. whenever I get stressed out he holds me while I cry and then gives me back rubs and foot massages. he is my life and I thank G-d every night for giving him to me!
Quote of the Day: That quiet mutual gaze of a trusting husband and wife is like the first moment of rest or refuge from a great weariness or a great danger.  ~George Eliot